忘年会兼 Accept party を行いました / We held the year-end and publication party for Moe Shiokawa & Xiuyuan Lu.
石川助教が公益財団法人 MSD生命科学財団「女性研究者支援」に採択されました / Eri Ishikawa received the Grants for Female Researchers from MSD Life Science Foundation.
土師さんが臨床医学研究塾 研究奨励賞を受賞しました / Shojiro Haji received the Research Encouragement Award from the Clinical Investigation Forum.
渡邊さんが Cytokines 2017 で発表し Kishimoto Travel Award に採択されました / Miyuki Watanabe gave a presentation at the 5th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society and received the Kishimoto Travel Award.
Prof. D. Branch Moody was invited to give a seminar.
塩川さん・Luさんの論文が Int. Immunol. に受理されました / Moe Shiokawa & Xiuyuan Lu’s paper was accepted for publication by Int. Immunol.
永田君が2017年度九州大学医学博士優秀賞を受賞しました / Masahiro Nagata received the Award for Excellent Ph.D. of Kyushu University in 2017.
高野さんの Accept party 兼送別会を行いました / We held the publication and farewell party for Tomotsugu Takano.
高野さんの論文が J. Biol. Chem. に受理されました / Tomotsugu Takano’s paper was accepted for publication by J. Biol. Chem.
ドイツからAnna Maria Knieperさんがフロンティア・ラボ研修生として参加しました / Anna Maria Knieper from Germany joined for the FrontierLab Internship.
基礎配属で医学部3年生炭谷君、後藤君、渡辺君が参加しました / Undergraduate students from Medical school, Sumitani, Goto and Watanabe joined the lab.
蔵田さんの送別会を行いました / We held the farewell party for Mitsuhiro Kurata.
西村さん、土師さん、渡邉さんが第19回免疫サマースクールに参加しました / Naoya Nishimura, Shojiro Haji and Miyuki Watanabe participated in the 19th JSI Immunology Summer School.
特任技術職員の米田さん、田島さん(M1)が参加しました / Tomoko Yoneda (Laboratory Technician) and Ayaka Tajima (M1) joined the lab.
Prof. Andrew Sewell was invited to hold a seminar.
Prof. Eun-Kyeong Jo was invited to hold a seminar.
高野さんが米国呼吸器学会で発表しました / Tomotsugu Takano gave a presentation at the American thoracic society International Conference.
森君の送別会を行いました / We held the farewell party for Daiki Mori.
島根君(M1)が参加しました / Toru Shimane (M1) joined the lab.
永田君の論文が Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA に掲載されました / Masahiro Nagata’s paper was published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
The Yamasaki Lab’s relocation from Kyushu Univ. to Osaka Univ. was celebrated at the restaurant Minerva in Ichoh Kaikan.
本園助教が着任しました / Chihiro Motozono (Assistant Professor) joined the lab.
インドネシアから留学生Hendra君(M1)が参加しました / Hendra Saputra Ismanto from Indonesia joined as an international student (M1).