渡邊さんが第48回日本免疫学会学術集会で Ursula and Fritz Melchers Travel Award を受賞しました / Miyuki Watanabe received the Ursula and Fritz Melchers Travel Award for the 48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology.
米田さん、江利川さんの歓送迎会を行いました / We held the farewell party for Tomoko Yoneda and welcome party for Yuki Erikawa.
鳥越君が第4回抗酸菌研究会ベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞しました / Shota Torigoe received the Best Presentation Award at the 4th Annual Research Meeting of Mycobacteria.
Prof. André Veillette was invited to give a seminar.
細野さんが LEGEND Travel Award を受賞し EMBO Workshop - CD1/MR1: Beyond MHC-restricted Lymphocytes に参加しました / Yuki Hosono received the LEGEND Travel Award and participated in the EMBO Workshop - CD1/MR1: Beyond MHC-restricted Lymphocytes.
江利川さん(技術職員)がラボメンバーに加わりました / Yuki Erikawa (Laboratory Technician) joined the lab.
石塚君(D1)、伊藤君(M1)、田中さん(M1)、村上さん(M1)がラボメンバーに加わりました / Shigenari Ishizuka (D1), Taiki Ito (M1), Ami Murakami (M1) and Aimi Tanaka (M1) joined the lab.
塩川さん、島根君、田島さんの送別会を行いました / We held the farewell party for Moe Shiokawa, Toru Shimane and Ayaka Tajima.
本園助教と塩川さんが第47回日本免疫学会学術集会ベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞しました / Chihiro Motozono and Moe Shiokawa received the Best Presentation Award in the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology.
西村さんと鳥越くんが U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program, Mycobacteria Panel Meeting に参加しました / Naoya Nishimura and Shota Torigoe participated in the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program, Mycobacteria Panel Meeting.
今井さんの Accept party を行いました / We held the publication party for Takashi Imai.
第7回 ITAM Workshop を琉球大学で開催しました / We held the 7th ITAM Workshop at the University of the Ryukyus.
山本さんの送別会を行いました / We held the farewell party for Kiyoko Yamamoto.
増田さん(事務補佐員)が着任しました / Ryoko Masuda (Secretary) joined the lab.